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- 56-James-St-Troy
- 17-Albany-Ave-Green-Island
- 20-Lower-Hudson-Ave-Troy
- 60-66-Arch-St-Troy
- 14-Swan-St-Green-Island
- 4-Lafayette-St-Troy
- 61-65-Albany-Ave-Troy
- 11-Mohawk-St-Green-Island
- 20-Lower-Hudson-Ave-Troy
- 56-James-St-Troy
- 14-Swan-St-Green-Island
- 60-66-Arch-St-Troy
- 61-65-Albany-Ave-Troy
- 11-Mohawk-St-Green-Island
- 17-Albany-Ave-Green-Island
- 4-Lafayette-St-Troy
- 1-George-St-Troy
- 10-12-Hamilton-St-Troy
- 100-Bleeker-St-Troy
- 100-George-St-Troy
- 101-Hudson-Ave-Troy
- 101a-Hudson-Ave-Troy
- 102-Hudson-Ave-Green-Island
- 104-106-George-St-Troy
- 105-George-St-Troy
- 106-Hudson-Ave-Green-Island
- 108-George-St-Troy
- 108-Hudson-Ave-Green-Island
- 109-George-St-Troy
- 109-Hudson-Ave-Troy
- 11-Cohoes-Ave-Troy
- 11-Mohawk-St-Green-Island
- 11-Swan-St-Troy
- 110-George-St-Troy
- 111-George-St-Troy
- 113-Hudson-Ave-Green-Island
- 114-124-Paine-St-Troy
- 114-George-St-Troy
- 114-Hudson-Ave-Troy
- 115-George-St-Troy
- 118-George-St-Troy
- 124-Hudson-Ave-Troy
- 125-Hudson-Ave-Green-Island
- 126-George-St-Troy
- 126-Paine-St-Troy
- 128-George-St-Troy
- 128-Paine-St-Troy
- 129-Hudson-Ave-Troy
- 13-George-St-Troy
- 132-George-St-Troy
- 135-George-St-Troy
- 137-Hudson-Ave-Green-Island
- 139-George-St-Troy
- 14-16-Hamilton-St-Troy
- 14-George-St-Troy
- 14-Swan-St-Green-Island
- 142-Paine-St-Troy
- 143-George-St-Troy
- 143-Hudson-Ave-Troy
- 146-Paine-St-Troy
- 148-George-St-Troy
- 15-Arch-St-Troy
- 15-James-St-Troy
- 150-Paine-St-Green-Island
- 154-Paine-St-Troy
- 158-Hudson-Ave-Troy
- 16-18-High-St-Troy
- 161-Paine-St-Troy
- 162-Paine-St-Green-Island
- 163-Paine-St-Troy
- 165-George-St-Troy
- 166-168-George-St-Troy
- 168-170-Hudson-Ave-Troy
- 168-Paine-St-Troy
- 17-Albany-Ave-Green-Island
- 17-Cohoes-Ave-Troy
- 17-George-St-Green-Island
- 17-Swan-St-Troy
- 172-Hudson-Ave-Troy
- 176-Paine-St-Troy
- 18-19-George-St-Green-Island
- 18-20-West-St-Troy
- 18-Swan-St-Troy
- 180-182-Hudson-Ave-Green-Island
- 184-186-Paine-St-Troy
- 187-Paine-St-Troy
- 188-Paine-St-Troy
- 189-George-St-Troy
- 19-21-Arch-St-Troy
- 19-James-St-Green-Island
- 199-George-St-Troy
- 2-George-St-Troy
- 2-Hudson-Ave-Troy
- 2-Paine-St-Green-Island
- 2-Walnut-St-Troy
- 20-Clinton-St-Green-Island
- 20-Lower-Hudson-Ave-Troy
- 20-Paine-St-Troy
- 21-George-St-Troy
- 23-25-Swan-St-Troy
- 23-High-St-Troy
- 24-26-Arch-St-Troy
- 25-High-St-Green-Island
- 27-33-Hudson-Ave-Troy
- 27-Albany-Ave-Troy
- 27-Arch-St-Troy
- 27-George-St-Troy
- 28-32-Albany-Ave-Troy
- 28-Arch-St-Troy
- 28-Hudson-Ave-Troy
- 29-George-St-Troy
- 29-Swan-St-Troy
- 3-Clinton-St-Troy
- 3-Hudson-Ave-Troy
- 3-Lafayette-St-Troy
- 31-33-Albany-Ave-Troy
- 32-34-Swan-St-Troy
- 33-Arch-St-Troy
- 33-George-St-Troy
- 34-36-Albany-Ave-Green-Island
- 34-George-St-Green-Island
- 35-Arch-St-Troy
- 35-High-St-Troy
- 38-High-St-Troy
- 39-Hudson-Ave-Troy
- 4-George-St-Green-Island
- 4-Lafayette-St-Troy
- 4-Walnut-St-Troy
- 41-Swan-St-Green-Island
- 42-44-George-St-Green-Island
- 42-44-Swan-St-Troy
- 43-45-Arch-St-Troy
- 43-45-George-St-Troy
- 43-Hudson-Ave-Troy
- 44-James-St-Green-Island
- 46-James-St-Green-Island
- 47-49-Arch-St-Troy
- 47-49-High-St-Troy
- 47-Paine-St-Troy
- 49-Paine-St-Green-Island
- 5-Hudson-Ave-Troy
- 5-Lower-Hudson-Ave-Troy
- 56-James-St-Troy
- 57-Paine-St-Troy
- 58-Arch-St-Troy
- 6-Hudson-Ave-Troy
- 60-66-Arch-St-Troy
- 60-George-St-Troy
- 61-65-Albany-Ave-Troy
- 62-Hudson-Ave-Troy
- 62-James-St-Troy
- 63-Hudson-Ave-Troy
- 64-West-St-Troy
- 65-James-St-Troy
- 66-George-St-Troy
- 68-Arch-St-Troy
- 69-Albany-Ave-Troy
- 69-Arch-St-Troy
- 69-George-St-Troy
- 69-Hudson-Ave-Troy
- 7-John-St-Troy
- 7-Lower-Hudson-Ave-Troy
- 7-Swan-St-Troy
- 70-Albany-Ave-Green-Island
- 70-James-St-Troy
- 71-George-St-Green-Island
- 72-Albany-Ave-Troy
- 72-Arch-St-Green-Island
- 73-High-St-Troy
- 73-Hudson-Ave-Troy
- 75-Arch-St-Troy
- 75-George-St-Green-Island
- 75-High-St-Troy
- 76-Albany-Ave-Troy
- 76-Paine-St-Troy
- 77-West-St-Troy
- 79-Albany-Ave-Green-Island
- 8-10-Swan-St-Troy
- 8-George-St-Troy
- 80-Hudson-Ave-Green-Island
- 80-James-St-Troy
- 83-George-St-Troy
- 87-George-St-Troy
- 89-West-St-Green-Island
- 9-Hudson-Ave-Troy
- 9-John-St-Troy
- 90-Hudson-Ave-Troy
- 91-George-St-Troy
- 92-Hudson-Ave-Troy
- 93-George-St-Troy
- 93-Hudson-Ave-Troy
- 93-James-St-Troy
- 94-96-James-St-Troy
- 97-Hudson-Ave-Troy
- 98-100-James-St-Green-Island
- 99-101-George-St-Green-Island
- Cent-Isl-N-Of-Br-Green-Island