Valuations and loans for every commercial property in the 07644 zip code in New Jersey
Free real-time valuations and loan quotes pre-selected from 1,000+ loan programs
- 10-Avenue-A-Lodi
- 10-Charles-St-Lodi
- 10-Christopher-Ct-Lodi
- 10-Howard-St-Lodi
- 10-N-Savoie-St-Lodi
- 10-Short-St-Lodi
- 100-Garfield-Ave-Lodi
- 100-Home-Pl-Lodi
- 100-Washington-St-Lodi
- 101-Arnot-St-Lodi
- 101-Chestnut-St-Lodi
- 101-James-St-Lodi
- 101-Jefferson-Ave-Lodi
- 102-James-St-Lodi
- 102-Keasler-Ave-Lodi
- 102-Spring-St-Lodi
- 103-Corabelle-Ave-Lodi
- 103-Liberty-St-Lodi
- 103-Prospect-St-Lodi
- 103-Spring-St-Lodi
- 104-Washington-St-Lodi
- 108-Garfield-Ave-Lodi
- 109-Arnot-St-Lodi
- 109-Burns-Ave-Lodi
- 109-Corabelle-Ave-Lodi
- 109-Jefferson-Ave-Lodi
- 11-Blue-Ridge-Rd-Lodi
- 11-Corabelle-Ave-Lodi
- 11-James-St-Lodi
- 11-Macarthur-Ave-Lodi
- 11-Terhune-Ave-Lodi
- 11-Vreeland-St-Lodi
- 110-Church-St-Lodi
- 110-Corabelle-Ave-Lodi
- 110-Union-St-Lodi
- 111-Burns-Ave-Lodi
- 111-Garfield-Ave-Lodi
- 111-Hunter-St-Lodi
- 112-Garfield-Ave-Lodi
- 112-Hamilton-Ave-Lodi
- 112-James-St-Lodi
- 113-Burns-Ave-Lodi
- 114-Arnot-St-Lodi
- 114-Lawrence-Ave-Lodi
- 115-James-St-Lodi
- 115-Kennedy-Dr-Lodi
- 116-Central-Ave-Lodi
- 116-Corabelle-Ave-Lodi
- 116-Home-Pl-Lodi
- 116-Mercer-Pl-Lodi
- 116-Spring-St-Lodi
- 116-Westervelt-Pl-Lodi
- 117-Prospect-St-Lodi
- 118-Richmond-St-Lodi
- 12-Boyd-St-Lodi
- 12-Edward-Ct-Lodi
- 12-James-Ct-Lodi
- 12-Lucille-Dr-Lodi
- 12-Massey-St-Lodi
- 12-Oratio-Pl-Lodi
- 12-Ottowa-Ave-Lodi
- 12-Sheridan-Ave-Lodi
- 120-Liberty-St-Lodi
- 120-Richmond-St-Lodi
- 121-Liberty-St-Lodi
- 121-Westervelt-Pl-Lodi
- 122-Garfield-Ave-Lodi
- 122-Hamilton-Ave-Lodi
- 122-James-St-Lodi
- 123-Spring-St-Lodi
- 124-Burns-Ave-Lodi
- 124-Mckinley-Ave-Lodi
- 127-Garibaldi-Ave-Lodi
- 127-Hunter-St-Lodi
- 128-Garibaldi-Ave-Lodi
- 128-Washington-St-Lodi
- 129-Home-Pl-Lodi
- 129-Washington-St-Lodi
- 13-Green-Ct-Lodi
- 13-Mary-St-Lodi
- 13-Pine-St-Lodi
- 13-Saint-Joseph-Blvd-Lodi
- 13-Summer-St-Lodi
- 130-Garfield-Ave-Lodi
- 130-Liberty-St-Lodi
- 132-Norwood-Ave-Lodi
- 133-Burns-Ave-Lodi
- 133-Church-St-Lodi
- 133-Washington-St-Lodi
- 134-Washington-St-Lodi
- 134-Westminster-Pl-Lodi
- 135-Grove-St-Lodi
- 135-Liberty-St-Lodi
- 136-Garibaldi-Ave-Lodi
- 136-Liberty-St-Lodi
- 137-Norwood-Ave-Lodi
- 139-Corabelle-Ave-Lodi
- 14-Avenue-A-Lodi
- 14-Henry-St-Lodi
- 14-James-Ct-Lodi
- 14-John-St-Lodi
- 14-Marion-Ave-Lodi
- 14-N-Woodside-Ave-Lodi
- 14-Pasadena-Ave-Lodi
- 14-Pine-St-Lodi
- 14-White-Oak-Dr-Lodi
- 140-Hamilton-Ave-Lodi
- 140-Paterson-Ave-Lodi
- 141-Church-St-Lodi
- 141-Corabelle-Ave-Lodi
- 141-Westervelt-Pl-Lodi
- 141-Westminster-Pl-Lodi
- 142-Garibaldi-Ave-Lodi
- 143-Terrace-Ave-Lodi
- 143-Westervelt-Pl-Lodi
- 144-S-Main-St-Lodi
- 145-Burns-Ave-Lodi
- 146-Washington-St-Lodi
- 147-Charlton-Ave-Lodi
- 147-Hunter-St-Lodi
- 147-Westminster-Pl-Lodi
- 148-Church-St-Lodi
- 149-Garibaldi-Ave-Lodi
- 149-Norwood-Ave-Lodi
- 149-Paterson-Ave-Lodi
- 149-Westminster-Pl-Lodi
- 15-1st-St-Lodi
- 15-Aida-Ct-Lodi
- 15-Avenue-F-Lodi
- 15-Bernice-Pl-Lodi
- 15-Church-St-Lodi
- 15-Henry-St-Lodi
- 15-James-Pl-Lodi
- 15-Orchard-St-Lodi
- 15-River-St-Lodi
- 15-S-Corabelle-Ave-Lodi
- 15-Sidney-St-Lodi
- 15-Walnut-St-Lodi
- 150-Garibaldi-Ave-Lodi
- 150-Pasadena-Ave-Lodi
- 151-Garibaldi-Ave-Lodi
- 151-Hamilton-Ave-Lodi
- 152-Grove-St-Lodi
- 152-Westminster-Pl-Lodi
- 154-Charlton-Ave-Lodi
- 156-Corabelle-Ave-Lodi
- 156-Hamilton-Ave-Lodi
- 157-159-So-Main-St-Lodi
- 157-Church-St-Lodi
- 157-Westminster-Pl-Lodi
- 16-Gunther-Ave-Lodi
- 16-John-St-Lodi
- 16-Long-Valley-Rd-Lodi
- 16-Mckinley-Ave-Lodi
- 16-Norwood-Ave-Lodi
- 16-River-St-Lodi
- 160-Central-Ave-Lodi
- 160-Corabelle-Ave-Lodi
- 161-Central-Ave-Lodi
- 163-Bell-Ave-Lodi
- 164-Grove-St-Lodi
- 165-Corabelle-Ave-Lodi
- 165-Saint-Joseph-Blvd-Lodi
- 166-Hamilton-Ave-Lodi
- 166-Pasadena-Ave-Lodi
- 167-Terrace-Ave-Lodi
- 168-Westervelt-Pl-Lodi
- 168-Westminster-Pl-Lodi
- 168-Woodside-Ave-Lodi
- 17-Corabelle-Ave-Lodi
- 17-Garden-St-Lodi
- 17-Hamilton-Ave-Lodi
- 17-Henry-St-Lodi
- 17-Hillcrest-Ave-Lodi
- 17-Hope-St-Lodi
- 17-John-St-Lodi
- 17-Lincoln-Pl-Lodi
- 17-Massey-St-Lodi
- 17-Monroe-St-Lodi
- 17-N-Woodside-Ave-Lodi
- 17-Patton-St-Lodi
- 17-Redstone-Ln-Lodi
- 170-Farnham-Ave-Lodi
- 170-Prospect-St-Lodi
- 171-Terrace-Ave-Lodi
- 175-Church-St-Lodi
- 175-Garibaldi-Ave-Lodi
- 175-Paterson-Ave-Lodi
- 176-Charlton-Ave-Lodi
- 178-Westervelt-Pl-Lodi
- 179-Burns-Ave-Lodi
- 179-Farnham-Ave-Lodi
- 18-20-Howard-St-Lodi
- 18-20-Linden-St-Lodi
- 18-Adams-Pl-Lodi
- 18-Central-Ave-Lodi
- 18-Henry-St-Lodi
- 18-Mitchell-St-Lodi
- 18-Putnam-St-Lodi
- 18-Sidney-St-Lodi
- 180-Westervelt-Pl-Lodi
- 181-Burns-Ave-Lodi
- 181-Terrace-Ave-Lodi
- 182-Burns-Ave-Lodi
- 182-Farnham-Ave-Lodi
- 182-Paterson-Ave-Lodi
- 182-Westminster-Pl-Lodi
- 185-Burns-Ave-Lodi
- 185-Westminster-Pl-Lodi
- 187-Corabelle-Ave-Lodi
- 187-Union-St-Lodi
- 188-Westervelt-Pl-Lodi
- 189-Church-St-Lodi
- 189-Union-St-Lodi
- 19-Corabelle-Ave-Lodi
- 19-Howard-St-Lodi
- 19-James-St-Lodi
- 19-Liberty-St-Lodi
- 190-Ragonese-St-Lodi
- 191-Hunter-St-Lodi
- 191-Terrace-Ave-Lodi
- 192-Ragonese-St-Lodi
- 193-Burns-Ave-Lodi
- 194-Westminster-Pl-Lodi
- 195-Farnham-Ave-Lodi
- 196-Paterson-Ave-Lodi
- 198-Farnham-Ave-Lodi
- 198-Saint-Joseph-Blvd-Lodi
- 199-Farnham-Ave-Lodi
- 199-Westervelt-Pl-Lodi
- 2-Charles-Ct-Lodi
- 2-Christie-St-Lodi
- 2-Clark-Ct-Lodi
- 2-Davis-Dr-Lodi
- 2-Edward-Ct-Lodi
- 2-S-Corabelle-Ave-Lodi
- 20-Charles-St-Lodi
- 20-Green-Ct-Lodi
- 20-Hope-St-Lodi
- 20-John-St-Lodi
- 20-Kipp-Ave-Lodi
- 20-Pasadena-Ave-Lodi
- 20-Riverview-Ave-Lodi
- 20-S-Corabelle-Ave-Lodi
- 20-Sherman-Ave-Lodi
- 20-Sidney-St-Lodi
- 202-Harrison-Ave-Lodi
- 204-Westminster-Pl-Lodi
- 206-Westervelt-Pl-Lodi
- 207-Church-St-Lodi
- 207-Westervelt-Pl-Lodi
- 208-Farnham-Ave-Lodi
- 21-Avenue-A-Lodi
- 21-Avenue-D-Lodi
- 21-Hamilton-Ave-Lodi
- 21-Hillcrest-Ave-Lodi
- 21-Kennedy-Dr-Lodi
- 21-Pine-St-Lodi
- 21-Robert-Ct-Lodi
- 21-Sheridan-Ave-Lodi
- 210-Westminster-Pl-Lodi
- 212-Charlton-Ave-Lodi
- 212-Columbia-Ave-Lodi
- 213-Terrace-Ave-Lodi
- 215-Saint-Joseph-Blvd-Lodi
- 217-Terrace-Ave-Lodi
- 217-Westminster-Pl-Lodi
- 218-Corabelle-Ave-Lodi
- 219-Westervelt-Pl-Lodi
- 22-Bernice-Pl-Lodi
- 22-Corabelle-Ave-Lodi
- 22-Garden-St-Lodi
- 22-Home-Pl-Lodi
- 22-John-St-Lodi
- 22-Madison-Ave-Lodi
- 22-Monroe-St-Lodi
- 220-Bell-Ave-Lodi
- 220-Columbia-Ave-Lodi
- 220-Harrison-Ave-Lodi
- 220-Westminster-Pl-Lodi
- 221-Westervelt-Pl-Lodi
- 222-Grove-St-Lodi
- 223-Terrace-Ave-Lodi
- 23-Columbia-Ave-Lodi
- 23-Home-Pl-Lodi
- 231-Westervelt-Pl-Lodi
- 238-Bell-Ave-Lodi
- 238-Farnham-Ave-Lodi
- 24-Avenue-C-Lodi
- 24-Blue-Ridge-Rd-Lodi
- 24-Charles-St-Lodi
- 24-Corabelle-Ave-Lodi
- 24-Green-Ct-Lodi
- 24-Macarthur-Ave-Lodi
- 24-Pasadena-Ave-Lodi
- 24-Riverview-Ave-Lodi
- 241-Farnham-Ave-Lodi
- 242-Paterson-Ave-Lodi
- 242-Terrace-Ave-Lodi
- 242-Westminster-Pl-Lodi
- 244-Columbia-Ave-Lodi
- 245-S-Main-St-Lodi
- 246-Church-St-Lodi
- 246-Harrison-Ave-Lodi
- 247-Church-St-Lodi
- 248-Harrison-Ave-Lodi
- 25-27-Linden-St-Lodi
- 25-Avenue-B-Lodi
- 25-Avenue-E-Lodi
- 25-Henry-St-Lodi
- 25-Long-Valley-Rd-Lodi
- 25-Pasadena-Ave-Lodi
- 25-Vreeland-St-Lodi
- 251-Church-St-Lodi
- 252-Bell-Ave-Lodi
- 252-Farnham-Ave-Lodi
- 252-Harrison-Ave-Lodi
- 253-Grove-St-Lodi
- 255-Church-St-Lodi
- 255-Farnham-Ave-Lodi
- 256-Pasadena-Ave-Lodi
- 256-Terrace-Ave-Lodi
- 257-Bell-Ave-Lodi
- 258-260-Westminster-Pl-Lodi
- 26-Avenue-A-Lodi
- 26-Green-Ct-Lodi
- 26-Henry-St-Lodi
- 26-Linden-St-Lodi
- 26-Norwood-Ave-Lodi
- 260-Bell-Ave-Lodi
- 260-Farnham-Ave-Lodi
- 260-Union-St-Lodi
- 263-Union-St-Lodi
- 267-Paterson-Ave-Lodi
- 268-Westervelt-Pl-Lodi
- 27-Hillcrest-Ave-Lodi
- 27-Louis-St-Lodi
- 27-Massey-St-Lodi
- 27-Mitchell-St-Lodi
- 27-Orchard-St-Lodi
- 270-Corabelle-Ave-Lodi
- 270-Farnham-Ave-Lodi
- 271-Paterson-Ave-Lodi
- 273-Union-St-Lodi
- 28-Avenue-B-Lodi
- 28-Boyd-St-Lodi
- 28-Central-Ave-Lodi
- 28-Home-Pl-Lodi
- 28-James-Pl-Lodi
- 28-Keasler-Ave-Lodi
- 28-Riverview-Ave-Lodi
- 28-Warren-St-Lodi
- 287-Union-St-Lodi
- 29-1st-St-Lodi
- 29-Avenue-E-Lodi
- 29-John-St-Lodi
- 29-Mckinley-Ave-Lodi
- 29-Vreeland-St-Lodi
- 290-Harrison-Ave-Lodi
- 292-Bell-Ave-Lodi
- 292-Church-St-Lodi
- 293-Farnham-Ave-Lodi
- 294-Farnham-Ave-Lodi
- 296-Farnham-Ave-Lodi
- 296-Westervelt-Pl-Lodi
- 3-Christie-St-Lodi
- 3-Davis-Dr-Lodi
- 3-Hamilton-Ave-Lodi
- 3-Macarthur-Ave-Lodi
- 3-Wisse-St-Lodi
- 30-32-Howard-St-Lodi
- 30-Avenue-A-Lodi
- 30-Charles-St-Lodi
- 30-Greenlawn-Dr-Lodi
- 30-Hope-St-Lodi
- 30-Long-Valley-Rd-Lodi
- 30-Macarthur-Ave-Lodi
- 30-Mitchell-St-Lodi
- 30-Pine-St-Lodi
- 30-Trudy-Dr-Lodi
- 30-Victor-St-Lodi
- 30-Woodside-Ave-Lodi
- 305-Main-St-Lodi
- 306-Westminster-Pl-Lodi
- 309-Church-St-Lodi
- 309-Farnham-Ave-Lodi
- 309-Westminster-Pl-Lodi
- 31-Hope-St-Lodi
- 31-Howard-St-Lodi
- 31-Macarthur-Ave-Lodi
- 31-Richmond-St-Lodi
- 310-Union-St-Lodi
- 318-Union-St-Lodi
- 32-Avenue-E-Lodi
- 32-Charles-St-Lodi
- 32-Garibaldi-Ave-Lodi
- 32-Macarthur-Ave-Lodi
- 32-Pasadena-Ave-Lodi
- 320-Garibaldi-Ave-Lodi
- 321-Farnham-Ave-Lodi
- 322-Westervelt-Pl-Lodi
- 323-Garibaldi-Ave-Lodi
- 325-Westervelt-Pl-Lodi
- 329-Passaic-Ave-Lodi
- 33-1st-St-Lodi
- 33-Avenue-A-Lodi
- 33-Garden-St-Lodi
- 33-Hope-St-Lodi
- 33-Mitchell-St-Lodi
- 33-Prospect-St-Lodi
- 33-Vreeland-St-Lodi
- 330-Farnham-Ave-Lodi
- 331-Garibaldi-Ave-Lodi
- 332-Church-St-Lodi
- 335-Garibaldi-Ave-Lodi
- 336-Garibaldi-Ave-Lodi
- 339-Columbia-Ave-Lodi
- 339-Westminster-Pl-Lodi
- 34-1st-St-Lodi
- 34-36-Howard-St-Lodi
- 34-Avenue-A-Lodi
- 34-Burns-Ave-Lodi
- 34-Charles-St-Lodi
- 34-Church-St-Lodi
- 340-Church-St-Lodi
- 341-Westminster-Pl-Lodi
- 342-Farnham-Ave-Lodi
- 344-Church-St-Lodi
- 346-Main-St-Lodi
- 347-Passaic-Ave-Lodi
- 348-Harrison-Ave-Lodi
- 35-1st-St-Lodi
- 35-Bryant-Pl-Lodi
- 35-Liberty-St-Lodi
- 35-Louis-St-Lodi
- 35-Sidney-St-Lodi
- 35-Vreeland-St-Lodi
- 354-Westervelt-Pl-Lodi
- 355-Farnham-Ave-Lodi
- 355-Garibaldi-Ave-Lodi
- 36-Boyd-St-Lodi
- 36-Charles-St-Lodi
- 36-Columbia-Ave-Lodi
- 36-Columbia-Ln-Lodi
- 36-Home-Pl-Lodi
- 36-Mary-St-Lodi
- 36-River-St-Lodi
- 362-Harrison-Ave-Lodi
- 362-Main-St-Lodi
- 363-Passaic-Ave-Lodi
- 366-Harrison-Ave-Lodi
- 367-Farnham-Ave-Lodi
- 368-Garibaldi-Ave-Lodi
- 369-Westervelt-Pl-Lodi
- 37-1st-St-Lodi
- 37-Autumn-St-Lodi
- 37-Avenue-B-Lodi
- 37-Vreeland-St-Lodi
- 373-Westervelt-Pl-Lodi
- 375-Westervelt-Pl-Lodi
- 379-Farnham-Ave-Lodi
- 379-Westervelt-Pl-Lodi
- 38-40-Howard-St-Lodi
- 38-Burns-Ave-Lodi
- 38-Richmond-St-Lodi
- 38-Riverview-Ave-Lodi
- 38-Woodside-Ave-Lodi
- 380-Harrison-Ave-Lodi
- 380-Westminster-Pl-Lodi
- 381-Westminster-Pl-Lodi
- 388-Garibaldi-Ave-Lodi
- 39-Chestnut-St-Lodi
- 39-Hope-St-Lodi
- 39-Vreeland-St-Lodi
- 391-Garibaldi-Ave-Lodi
- 391-Westervelt-Pl-Lodi
- 395-Garibaldi-Ave-Lodi
- 395-Passaic-Ave-Lodi
- 395-Westminster-Pl-Lodi
- 396-Westminster-Pl-Lodi
- 399-Westervelt-Pl-Lodi
- 399-Westminster-Pl-Lodi
- 4-Clark-Ct-Lodi
- 4-Columbia-Ln-Lodi
- 4-Eastgate-Ct-Lodi
- 4-Hamilton-Ave-Lodi
- 4-James-Ct-Lodi
- 40-Calvin-Ave-Lodi
- 40-Garibaldi-Ave-Lodi
- 40-Liberty-St-Lodi
- 400-Garibaldi-Ave-Lodi
- 400-Harrison-Ave-Lodi
- 404-Farnham-Ave-Lodi
- 404-Passaic-Ave-Lodi
- 408-Passaic-Ave-Lodi
- 409-Passaic-Ave-Lodi
- 41-Charles-St-Lodi
- 41-Dell-Glen-Ave-Lodi
- 41-Hillcrest-Ave-Lodi
- 41-James-St-Lodi
- 41-Roosevelt-Ave-Lodi
- 416-Main-St-Lodi
- 416-Passaic-Ave-Lodi
- 418-Harrison-Ave-Lodi
- 42-44-Howard-St-Lodi
- 42-Avenue-C-Lodi
- 42-Avenue-D-Lodi
- 42-Garibaldi-Ave-Lodi
- 421-Farnham-Ave-Lodi
- 429-Farnham-Ave-Lodi
- 43-Howard-St-Lodi
- 43-Hunter-St-Lodi
- 43-Mitchell-St-Lodi
- 433-Farnham-Ave-Lodi
- 434-Passaic-Ave-Lodi
- 439-Passaic-Ave-Lodi
- 44-Autumn-St-Lodi
- 44-Church-St-Lodi
- 44-Macarthur-Ave-Lodi
- 44-Putnam-St-Lodi
- 440-Passaic-Ave-Lodi
- 447-Westminster-Pl-Lodi
- 449-Westminster-Pl-Lodi
- 45-Church-St-Lodi
- 45-Dell-Glen-Ave-Lodi
- 45-Home-Pl-Lodi
- 45-Linden-St-Lodi
- 45-Stokes-St-Lodi
- 45-Woodside-Ave-Lodi
- 451-Westminster-Pl-Lodi
- 452-Westminster-Pl-Lodi
- 46-Putnam-St-Lodi
- 46-Washington-St-Lodi
- 464-Main-St-Lodi
- 468-Westminster-Pl-Lodi
- 47-Hillcrest-Ave-Lodi
- 47-Howard-St-Lodi
- 47-River-St-Lodi
- 47-Washington-St-Lodi
- 472-Westminster-Pl-Lodi
- 48-Kennedy-Dr-Lodi
- 48-Kipp-Ave-Lodi
- 48-Liberty-St-Lodi
- 481-Farnham-Ave-Lodi
- 487-Westminster-Pl-Lodi
- 49-Christopher-St-Lodi
- 49-James-Pl-Lodi
- 49-Kipp-Ave-Lodi
- 49-Lawrence-Ave-Lodi
- 49-Linden-St-Lodi
- 49-Prospect-St-Lodi
- 491-Westminster-Pl-Lodi
- 5-Macarthur-Ave-Lodi
- 50-Christopher-St-Lodi
- 50-Home-Pl-Lodi
- 50-Lawrence-Ave-Lodi
- 504-Harrison-Ave-Lodi
- 51-Avenue-C-Lodi
- 51-Church-St-Lodi
- 51-Corabelle-Ave-Lodi
- 512-Harrison-Ave-Lodi
- 515-Westminster-Pl-Lodi
- 52-1st-St-Lodi
- 52-Avenue-A-Lodi
- 52-Burns-Ave-Lodi
- 52-Washington-St-Lodi
- 53-Autumn-St-Lodi
- 53-Avenue-E-Lodi
- 53-Grove-St-Lodi
- 53-Roosevelt-Ave-Lodi
- 53-Washington-St-Lodi
- 530-Main-St-Lodi
- 54-Linden-St-Lodi
- 54-Trudy-Dr-Lodi
- 540-Main-St-Lodi
- 55-Hillcrest-Ave-Lodi
- 55-Spring-St-Lodi
- 55-Westervelt-Pl-Lodi
- 56-Contant-Ave-Lodi
- 56-Hillcrest-Ave-Lodi
- 56-Kennedy-Dr-Lodi
- 56-Lawrence-Ave-Lodi
- 560-Main-St-Lodi
- 57-Chestnut-St-Lodi
- 57-Home-Pl-Lodi
- 57-Howard-St-Lodi
- 57-Money-St-Lodi
- 57-Roosevelt-Ave-Lodi
- 57-Spring-St-Lodi
- 574-Main-St-Lodi
- 58-Sidney-St-Lodi
- 586-Harrison-Ave-Lodi
- 59-Prospect-St-Lodi
- 59-Savoie-St-Lodi
- 59-Sidney-St-Lodi
- 59-Spring-St-Lodi
- 6-Avenue-C-Lodi
- 6-Christie-St-Lodi
- 6-Clark-Ct-Lodi
- 6-Pauline-Ter-Lodi
- 60-Avenue-C-Lodi
- 60-Calvin-Ave-Lodi
- 60-Hillcrest-Ave-Lodi
- 60-Kennedy-Dr-Lodi
- 60-Kipp-Ave-Lodi
- 60-Lawrence-Ave-Lodi
- 60-Mckinley-Ave-Lodi
- 60-Richmond-St-Lodi
- 60-Sidney-St-Lodi
- 61-Norwood-Ave-Lodi
- 61-Prospect-St-Lodi
- 61-River-St-Lodi
- 61-Union-St-Lodi
- 61-Westervelt-Pl-Lodi
- 62-Avenue-F-Lodi
- 62-Clark-St-Lodi
- 62-Garibaldi-Ave-Lodi
- 62-Hamilton-Ave-Lodi
- 62-Mitchell-St-Lodi
- 63-James-St-Lodi
- 63-Mitchell-St-Lodi
- 63-Norwood-Ave-Lodi
- 63-Stokes-St-Lodi
- 64-Avenue-C-Lodi
- 64-Chestnut-St-Lodi
- 65-Chestnut-St-Lodi
- 65-Saint-Joseph-Blvd-Lodi
- 68-Avenue-C-Lodi
- 68-Central-Ave-Lodi
- 68-Corabelle-Ave-Lodi
- 69-Avenue-F-Lodi
- 69-Burns-Ave-Lodi
- 69-Charles-St-Lodi
- 69-Kennedy-Dr-Lodi
- 69-Trudy-Dr-Lodi
- 7-Barbara-Ct-Lodi
- 7-Clark-St-Lodi
- 7-N-Savoie-St-Lodi
- 7-Patton-St-Lodi
- 7-Vreeland-St-Lodi
- 7-Yolanda-Pl-Lodi
- 70-James-St-Lodi
- 70-Liberty-St-Lodi
- 70-Trudy-Dr-Lodi
- 70-Washington-St-Lodi
- 71-73-Union-St-Lodi
- 71-Central-Ave-Lodi
- 71-Chestnut-St-Lodi
- 71-Prospect-St-Lodi
- 72-Avenue-A-Lodi
- 72-Charlton-Ave-Lodi
- 72-Hamilton-Ave-Lodi
- 72-Keasler-Ave-Lodi
- 73-Grove-St-Lodi
- 73-Hillcrest-Ave-Lodi
- 73-James-St-Lodi
- 73-Washington-St-Lodi
- 74-Avenue-B-Lodi
- 74-Lawrence-Ave-Lodi
- 74-Pasadena-Ave-Lodi
- 74-Roosevelt-Ave-Lodi
- 75-Garibaldi-Ave-Lodi
- 75-Hunter-St-Lodi
- 75-Monroe-St-Lodi
- 75-Prospect-St-Lodi
- 75-Richmond-St-Lodi
- 75-Union-St-Lodi
- 76-Chestnut-St-Lodi
- 76-Corabelle-Ave-Lodi
- 76-Hamilton-Ave-Lodi
- 76-Norwood-Ave-Lodi
- 76-Washington-St-Lodi
- 77-Avenue-D-Lodi
- 77-Keasler-Ave-Lodi
- 77-Macarthur-Ave-Lodi
- 78-Garibaldi-Ave-Lodi
- 79-Avenue-B-Lodi
- 79-Charlton-Ave-Lodi
- 79-Washington-St-Lodi
- 8-Corabelle-Ave-Lodi
- 8-James-Pl-Lodi
- 8-Orchard-Ct-Lodi
- 80-Corabelle-Ave-Lodi
- 80-James-St-Lodi
- 80-Sherman-Ave-Lodi
- 80-Woodside-Ave-Lodi
- 81-Avenue-D-Lodi
- 81-Garfield-Ave-Lodi
- 81-Roosevelt-Ave-Lodi
- 81-Trudy-Dr-Lodi
- 82-Westervelt-Pl-Lodi
- 83-Garfield-Ave-Lodi
- 83-Norwood-Ave-Lodi
- 83-Spring-St-Lodi
- 84-Avenue-A-Lodi
- 84-Home-Pl-Lodi
- 84-Lawrence-Ave-Lodi
- 84-Westervelt-Pl-Lodi
- 85-Avenue-F-Lodi
- 86-Avenue-C-Lodi
- 86-Avenue-D-Lodi
- 86-Hunter-St-Lodi
- 86-Pasadena-Ave-Lodi
- 87-Home-Pl-Lodi
- 87-Mckinley-Ave-Lodi
- 88-1st-St-Lodi
- 88-Charlton-Ave-Lodi
- 88-James-St-Lodi
- 88-Keasler-Ave-Lodi
- 88-Kennedy-Dr-Lodi
- 88-Mckinley-Ave-Lodi
- 88-Washington-St-Lodi
- 89-Prospect-St-Lodi
- 9-Aida-Ct-Lodi
- 9-Home-Pl-Lodi
- 9-Patton-St-Lodi
- 9-S-Corabelle-Ave-Lodi
- 9-Wisse-St-Lodi
- 90-1st-St-Lodi
- 90-Garfield-Ave-Lodi
- 90-James-St-Lodi
- 90-Pasadena-Ave-Lodi
- 90-S-Main-St-Lodi
- 90-Trudy-Dr-Lodi
- 91-Burns-Ave-Lodi
- 91-Chestnut-St-Lodi
- 91-James-St-Lodi
- 91-Spring-St-Lodi
- 92-1st-St-Lodi
- 92-Garfield-Ave-Lodi
- 92-Keasler-Ave-Lodi
- 93-Chestnut-St-Lodi
- 94-Avenue-C-Lodi
- 94-Pasadena-Ave-Lodi
- 94-Westervelt-Pl-Lodi
- 95-Grove-St-Lodi
- 95-Jefferson-Ave-Lodi
- 95-Mckinley-Ave-Lodi
- 95-Prospect-St-Lodi
- 95-Roosevelt-Ave-Lodi
- 96-Autumn-St-Lodi
- 96-Lawrence-Ave-Lodi
- 96-Prospect-St-Lodi
- 96-Richmond-St-Lodi
- 96-S-Main-St-Lodi
- 97-Garibaldi-Ave-Lodi
- 97-Kimmig-Ave-Lodi
- 97-Liberty-St-Lodi
- 97-Roosevelt-Ave-Lodi
- 97-Spring-St-Lodi
- 99-Burns-Ave-Lodi
- 99-Charlton-Ave-Lodi
- 99-Garibaldi-Ave-Lodi
- 99-Kipp-Ave-Lodi
- Boyd-91-Church-St-Lodi