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- 1645-295th-St-Argyle
- 1735-295th-St-Argyle
- 1765-320th-St-Argyle
- 1775-320th-St-Argyle
- 1780-320th-St-Argyle
- 1792-295th-St-Argyle
- 1797-296th-St-Argyle
- 1801-294th-St-Argyle
- 1801-296th-St-Argyle
- 1802-296th-St-Argyle
- 1803-295th-St-Argyle
- 1807-294th-St-Argyle
- 1811-294th-St-Argyle
- 1813-295th-St-Argyle
- 1815-295th-St-Argyle
- 1818-295th-St-Argyle
- 1819-295th-St-Argyle
- 1826-295th-St-Argyle
- 1836-295th-St-Argyle
- 1837-295th-St-Argyle
- 1838-295th-St-Argyle
- 1852-340th-St-Argyle
- 1978-340th-St-Argyle
- 1983-275th-St-Argyle
- 2658-160th-Ave-Argyle
- 2670-170th-Ave-Argyle
- 2699-Hwy-27-Argyle
- 2775-195th-Ave-Argyle
- 2787-195th-Ave-Argyle
- 2794-208th-Ave-Argyle
- 2813-150th-Ave-Argyle
- 2821-170th-Ave-Argyle
- 2929-Belfast-Rd-Argyle
- 2939-Belfast-Rd-Argyle
- 2941-181st-Ave-Argyle
- 2953-180th-Ave-Argyle
- 2961-180th-Ave-Argyle
- 2969-180th-Ave-Argyle
- 2971-179th-Ave-Argyle
- 2987-Belfast-Rd-Argyle
- 2988-170th-Ave-Argyle
- 3001-170th-Ave-Argyle
- 3048-190th-Ave-Argyle
- 3052-Belfast-Rd-Argyle
- 3175-Argyle-Rd-Argyle
- 3176-175th-Ave-Argyle
- 3182-177th-Ave-Argyle
- 3185-Argyle-Rd-Argyle
- 3191-Argyle-Rd-Argyle
- 3195-176th-Ave-Argyle
- 3262-Belfast-Rd-Argyle
- 3324-Belfast-Rd-Argyle